Satvic Yoga

The Yoga Wing of Satvic Movement

At Satvic Yoga, we bring ancient yogic wisdom into your modern lifestyle. Apart from sharing Yogic Philosophy, we focus on four essential practices: asanas, breath-work, chanting, and dhyana which we call the ABCD of Yoga. Together, they create a path toward achieving your highest physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Deepen your learnings over 3 levels

From our yoga workshop graduates

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Mansi Rajapurkar

50, Mumbai

Physically, I feel stronger and more flexible. Mentally, I have better focus. Emotionally, I can now see the flaws I once hid or avoided facing. I recognize the limitations and mistakes that have impacted my journey and life.

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30, Chennai

I used to weigh 112 Kgs. After 1.5 years of Satvic Yoga, my weight is now 72 KGs. I faced daily gut challenges and was losing health. Today, I feel grateful for my gut health. I've also experienced a transformation in my mindset too.

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Arti Kaneria

32, Gwalior

After this workshop, I realized the importance of being kind to myself. Learning to forgive myself first, before others, has been a profound realization.

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Nupur Mukhopadhyaya

26, Indore

Physically, I feel more active, with improved fitness and flexibility. I've developed the habit of sitting upright. Mentally, I’ve reduced overthinking and am more aware. Emotionally, I feel vibrant and optimistic.

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Atul Ambavat

43, Mumbai

My body is now five times more flexible, and I feel stronger. But the best part for me was gaining mental empowerment. You’ve provided all the tools to keep my mind calm, and I feel in control of my life.

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    Understand your thoughts & emotions better!

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Leading Satvic Movement's yoga wing

Radhika Gupta

Radhika Gupta

Radhika was trained by Dr. Balasundra Srinatha and BNS Iyengar in Mysore in 2017. This in-depth course gave her the required skills to make yoga available online so that it reaches millions of people.

She has an Honours degree in Psychology from Lady Shree Ram College, Delhi. She combines the tools of modern science and ancient scriptures to help you grow better.

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Akshay Jain

Akshay Jain

Akshay, an inner-work teacher at Satvic Movement, discovered his passion for yoga at the age of 20. His dedication led him to attend over a dozen inner work programs across various yoga schools, immersing himself in the practice for 4-6 hours daily over many years.

He has trained as a Yoga Acharya under Swami Prabhod in Mysore in the philosophy and practices of Meditation...

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