Satvic Yoga
The Yoga Wing of Satvic Movement
Deepen your learnings over 3 levels
From our yoga workshop graduates
Go on a 7-Day journey of introspection and self knowing. Get a chance to ask yourself questions that help you know yourself better in all domains of life namely - relationships, work, success, love and most importantly, your own self. Share your WhatsApp number to enroll now.
Understand your thoughts & emotions better!
Hundred free, high quality yoga and meditation videos for you to follow along
For daily yogic wisdom and inspiration
Leading Satvic Movement's yoga wing
Radhika Gupta
Radhika was trained by Dr. Balasundra Srinatha and BNS Iyengar in Mysore in 2017. This in-depth course gave her the required skills to make yoga available online so that it reaches millions of people.
She has an Honours degree in Psychology from Lady Shree Ram College, Delhi. She combines the tools of modern science and ancient scriptures to help you grow better.
Akshay Jain
Akshay, an inner-work teacher at Satvic Movement, discovered his passion for yoga at the age of 20. His dedication led him to attend over a dozen inner work programs across various yoga schools, immersing himself in the practice for 4-6 hours daily over many years.
He has trained as a Yoga Acharya under Swami Prabhod in Mysore in the philosophy and practices of Meditation...
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